Welcome to the Breast Feeding Elective
The Breast Feeding Elective is a 2-week elective where the resident will have excellent opportunity to grow significantly in their comfort of counseling and caring for families with newborns. The resident will be directly mentored by the faculty lead, Dr. Lazaron, and have opportunities for asynchronous learning, time with Lactation Specialist at TCH and/or CCHMC, and prepare activities for Centering Pregnancy. The elective also provides additional learning opportunities for those residents with newborns themselves.
Please review the objectives and course outline below. If interested, please submit a request form!
*this elective is not amenable to a longitudinal structure.
Betsy Lazaron, MD (lazarolm@UCMAIL.UC.EDU)
1. be able to give anticipatory guidance to new parents including normal breastfeeding patterns for newborns and how to assess if the newborn is getting enough milk.
2. be able to discuss the benefits of breastfeeding, including specific components of breastmilk and decreased incidence of specific acute/chronic illnesses.
3. be able to assist a mother with basic latch techniques.
4. Complete one breastfeeding project during this rotation:
a) Prepare breastfeeding activity to be used in Centering Pregnancy
b) Review & reproduce a breastfeeding handout or electronic patient education resource appropriate for use in postpartum care or 1st well child visit for use in hospital or FMC
c) Recommend additional readings AND appropriate test question for Canvas Breastfeeding module
d) Keep experiential log of breastfeeding frequency, breast pump usage and volume, and baby weight if possible for a parent returning to work
Complete 5 sessions with Lactation Specialist at TCH and/or CCHMC
Complete 4 sessions in FMC
Attend 2 Thursday lecture sessions
In first week
Print & Take AAP Pretest
Schedule 1 hour time with elective advisor (Dr. Lazaron)
Required readings:
Complete the Breastfeeding module on the CANVAS website, and
--either-- Complete Wellstart Self-Study Modules I and II: http://www.wellstart.org/Self-Study-Module.pdf
--or-- Take these two on-line CME courses. Hospital support of Breastfeeding in Postpartum Care CME http://www.hriainstitute.org/breastfeedingcme/
In second week--
Review this CHMC PowerPoint on Breastfeeding 2017 https://cchmc.cloud-cme.com/Assets/cchmc/Presentations/7277/1020_breastfeeding_ware.pdf
Watch this video: on appropriate LATCHhttps://globalhealthmedia.org/portfolio-items/attaching-your-baby-at-the-breast/
Complete AAP Posttest with answers —see how you did!
Schedule 1 hour wrap up with elective advisor, with review of completed projects
Other Resources: Use these as needed to complete project or supplement self-directed learning
From Women’s Health Breastfeeding- patient education
AAP Breastfeeding curriculum tools: http://www2.aap.org/breastfeeding/curriculum/tools.html
From the Surgeon General: http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/topics/breastfeeding/calltoactiontosupportbreastfeeding.pdf
from the CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/
Pediatrics AAP Breastfeeding and the use of Human Milk Feb 2012 (see Canvas)
Strategies for Breastfeeding Success AFP Vol. 78 #2 July 2008 (see Canvas)
Recommend you view these resources from Stanford: "perfect latch" and "hand expression of breast milk" videos, and become acquainted with the videos available: http://newborns.stanford.edu/Breastfeeding
Perfect latch video link (shows providers how to work with a mom in 15 min to help with latch; total video time 19 minutes): http://newborns.stanford.edu/Breastfeeding/FifteenMinuteHelper.html
Hand expression of breastmilk video link (total video time 7.5 minutes): https://vimeo.com/65196007
Recommend you watch only the first video in this link for demonstration of proper placement of nipple (5 min). (*Rest of them on website are advertisements for breast pumps) http://www.ameda.com/ameda-support-tools/videos/educational-videos
Bonus credit: provide other learning resources to add to this course in the future