Global Health Community Service & Partnership
Every year, our faculty and Global Health Resident Committee organize a few events or ways through which we can work together as a team to impact our community by partnering with our local communities and serving the underserved.
Community Services have included Saturday morning service projects (Freestore Foodbank volunteering, etc), donating clothes or supplies to the urban underresourced (Mary Magdalene, Drop Inn Center), and raising money through Spring running (5 and 10Ks, heart minimarathon, and Flying Pig teams).
Additionally, in the Spring, we try to include an annual fundraising event to help fund our travel in order to allow us to partner with Wuqu Kawoq in Guatemala.
Annually, some residents volunteer at area health fairs. In the early fall, Su Casa, Santa Maria, and Healing Center (Latino Expo) may offer health screening, staffed by students who need a resident or faculty doctor preceptor present. Contact Dr. O'Dea or visit UC's volunteer page for more information.
Lastly, our FMC partners with the community of Walnut Hills to work toward improving health there. This effort is led by Dr. Goroncy. See the FMC page here for details on our Walnut Hills Community Partnership activities.
Typical Events & Oversight...
- Fall Service Project - In the fall or winter, we have a goal to serve a local organization who serves the underserved, such as helping pack boxes at Freestore Foodbank. Our faculty works with GH Committee to organize and invite residents/department.
- Christmas/Winter Holiday Season - FMC presents are donated to a needy family/families through the chief-organized FMC Christmas Tree
- Winter Clothes Collection - Chiefs are asked to appoint an interested resident to oversee a clothes drive, typically for a month, which is then delivered to a local organization or ministry, such as St Vincent DePaul or Mary Magdalene House
- Spring GUH Fundraiser - Dr. O'Dea works with the GH Committee to organize a happy-hour gathering for department and friends of Global Health, hosted at The Woodburn Brewery, including a silent auction and tax-deductible donations to Global Health through the UC Foundation
- Spring or Fall Runs - There are many fundraising running opportunities every year, including the Freestore Foodbank Hunger Walk & 5K Run (spring), Matthew 25 Hunger 5K, the Heart Mini-Marathon, and Flying Pig related fundraisers. If you're a runner and are interested in organizing others for a fundraiser run, let the Global Health faculty know.
Your Ideas Are Welcome!
Contact the Global Health Committee if you have an idea for community service to inspire us to make difference together!