Welcome to October Month

Welcome to the October Month Experience! The October Month is divided into two main blocks, the first which covers a variety of topics including: Behavioral Medicine, Social Determinants of Health, Quality Improvement, and Core Intern Topics; and a second block composed of the R1 Global Health Foundations Course. Dr. Rich is the faculty lead for the first block and Dr. Collins leads the second block. The month is full, requiring quite a bit of asynchronous study and work, but the time you spend will be quite worth the effort.

The Global Health Foundations Course has a separate page with requirements, calendar, and details, and this page is dedicated to the first two week block. Below, you will find the two week calendar, list of required activities, and additional information concerning the different experience. Please contact Dr. Rich or Dr. Bernheisel if you have any questions!



Below are the list of required activities to complete by the end of the month (unless stated otherwise):

  • Meet with Financial Advisor:

    • Finances is a major source of dissatisfaction in life and career, making it truly an important part of any wellness curriculum. During this month, we ask each of you to meet with a financial advisor. Some of you may already have a financial advisor, if so, we only require you to make sure you have met recently and have completed your annual check-in. For those who do not have a financial advisor, below are some others have found helpful. Each have different pros and cons. You do not need to use anyone on this list, this is simply a method to help.

      • Kristen Swank Northwest Mutual 633-1842 (husband is an orthopedic surgeon): kristen.swank@nm.com
        Wealthiest: http://wqcorp.com/our-team/#fndtn-all (Dr. Holliday knows James Lenhoff and Wade Daniel)

      • MD Financial Advisors; http://www.mdfinancialadvisors.com/ (specializes in physicians; Free while a resident

      • Northwestern Mutual: Kevin Morrow, CLTC (513-366-3733 - P / 513-477-7539 - C kevin.morrow@nm.com) recommended from Reid Hartmann

      • Thrivent financial: https://www.thrivent.com (Lutheran organization; Bernheisel's use)

      • Allan Triel cell (732) 330-8703, work (513) 398-2552 (Sarah Pickle’s husband)

      • North Start Resource Group: Mark Miller (Strongly recommended by Beth Erin Spring Smith: resident focused) mark.miller@northstarfinancial.com | Website www.northstarfinancial.com

      • Joy Sorensen Navarre (Dr. Mount connected with them at the FMEC: specializes in medical student loan financial advising). joy@navigatestudentloans.com;

      • Consider reviewing: White Coat Investors

  • Completion of Behavioral Medicine Requirements:

  • Complete Training Within Industry Project: To be completed during TWI training week

  • Complete Race Implicit Association Test (IAT)

  • Complete ABFM Module II Practice Improvement Project


Unless you are seeing patients on the day, please wear something comfortable. On some of the procedure days (10/2, 10/4), you will be in patient care areas and we ask for you to dress in business casual. On 10/11, you will travel to Wyoming Family Practice to learn casting and IUDs. Please wear something very comfortable and preferably shorts, as you will apply cast on each other.