Global Health Extras:
Journal Watch, Book Discussions, Movie Night
Our semi-annual Book Club and annual Movie Night are designed for residents and faculty who can't get enough of Global Health (including you!)--to enrich our lives and enjoy digging deeper into Global Health. Book Club and Movie Night are designed as relaxed, relational, yummy-food evenings at a faculty home. Journal Watch is embedded in our GH Thursday Conference curriculum, featuring a few key articles from recent literature on important GH topics, but may occasionally be held as an evening faculty-hosted event to provide an opportunity to connect with cross-campus faculty (including CCHMC physicians) and UC medical students as well.
The events generally follow the Year-At-A-Glance schedule found on the Overview webpage.
Oh, and if you can’t get enough of global health on the international side, be sure to visit the GHISP page for our monthly blog discussions.
Global Health Journal Watch
Goal: To examine evidence-based approaches in important global health topics based on a current article or articles from leading clinical or public health related journals.
When: Twice annually, embedded in the resident’s monthly Global Health Thursday conference series
Topics: Topics/articles for Journal Club are chosen by the Global Health Leadership Team, generally highlighting cutting-edge or landmark articles or new studies. Recurrent highlights include the “big three” infectious diseases (HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria) and Emerging Infectious Diseases (Zika, Covid, etc), new public health concepts/concerns, and other hot topics/studies.
Journals regularly reviewed for candidate articles include: JAMA, NEJM, The Lancet, Am J Pub Health, WHO Bulletin, and Am J Trop Med Hygiene.
Past Topic examples: 2012 RTS,s Malaria Vaccine Trial (NEJM), 2012 Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) (Lancet), 2013 Tuberculosis: XPert MTB/RIF Diagnostic (NEJM/WHO Bulletin), 2013 HIV PreExposure Prophylaxis: iPrEx and other studies (NEJM), 2015 Febrile Illness in Africa (NEJM), 2016 Scabies MDA (NEJM) and Dehydration assessment in Diarrhea (Lancet), 2017 Sepsis & Fluid Resuscitation in Developing Countries (FEAST study), 2018 Millennium Development Villages Evaluation, and 2020 MORDOR/MORDOR II Trials (Azithromycin MDA).
Global Health Book Club
Goal: To stimulate awareness in global health by discussing global health themes based on an inspiring and/or informative new or classic book on a domestic or international topic
When: Fall (Evening in October-November) and Summer (Evening in May-June)
Books for Book Club are chosen by the Global Health Leadership Team, often after receiving votes from residents and faculty from a few choices. Books must highlight a topic related to the 6 goals of Global Health and are additionally chosen based on wide recognition, historic impact, excellence in literature, and/or cutting-edge influence.
If you are looking for good books on Global Health to consider, see below. Also, here’s a link to a list of 150 books recommended by a variety of folks in global health.
Past Books
2010, Nov - Nickel and Dimed, Barbara Ehrenreich
2011, May - Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
2012, June - Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe
2012, Nov - The Ghost Map, Steven Johnson
2013, June - Ask Me Why I Hurt, Randy Christenson
2013, Nov - Nectar in a Sieve, Kamala Markandaya
2014, Nov - My Own Country: A Doctor's Story, Abraham Verghese
2015, June - House on Fire (The Fight to Eradicate Smallpox), William Foege
2015, Nov - The New Jim Crow (Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness), Michelle Alexander
2016, June - Beautiful Boy, David Sheff, and Tweak, Nic Sheff
2016, Oct - I, Rigoberta Menchu, Rigoberta Menchu
2017, June - City of Thorns, Ben Lawrence
2017, Nov - Hillbilly Elegy, JD Vance
2018, May - Evicted, Matthew Desmond
2018, Oct - Factfulness, Hans Rosling
2019, May - The Line Becomes a River, Francisco Cantú
2019, Oct - What the Eyes Don’t See, Mona Hanna-Attisha
2020, May - Vulnerable Populations amidst the COViD-19 Pandemic (CANCELLED: Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Katherine Boo)
2020, Oct - Injustice in America and Anti-Racism (featuring How to be Anti-racist, Black Man in a White Coat, and White Fragility)
2021, May - Pandemic, Sonia Shah
2021, Dec - Broke in America, Colleen Shaddox and Joanne Samuel Goldblum
2022, May - The Kissing Bug, Daisy Hernandez
A short list of other recommended Global Health related books include: The End of Poverty (Jeffrey Sachs), White Man's Burden (William Easterly), Enrique's Journey (Sonia Nazario), Mountains Beyond Mountains (Tracy Kidder), and The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down (Anne Fadiman).
Most of the above books are available for check-out from our Global Health Library in Suite 340. Contact the Global Health faculty if you would like to check one out.