Welcome to the page that is all about YOU!
/The Physician Wellness curriculum starts during intern orientation and continues longitudinally through all of residency.
On this page you will find a description of the wellness curriculum, ideas of how to make the most of your time off, lists of resources (including PCP suggestions), and various wellness and nutrition apps!
Questions about the curriculum? Ideas for the website? Concerns about burnout? EMAIL US!
What's new:
Stuck in your chair charting for too long? Try these seated yoga moves to get your blood flowing again and improve your focus!
Resident Wellness Assessment and Personal Wellness Plan:
- Reflecting on our personal wellness, reviewing specific behaviors that contribute to wellness, and setting goals to improve and maintain wellness are all part of the skills you need to maintain your well-being throughout the busy and successful careers ahead of you.
- It is expected that you will do it twice per year and share your goals with your advisor. You will be prompted to do it when you complete the 6 month self assessment.
- No copy of this form is every sent to a faculty member or placed in your permanent record. It is just a guide for your reflection.
- Remember when creating to goals to keep them SMART (specific, measurable, attainable/appropriate, realistic, and timely)
If you want to review "Resiliency Training" check out this article from Family Practice Management. The news about burnout isn't riveting but what does prompt self-reflection is the "mental training" techniques that help us all to develop resilience to the internal and external pressures that comes with being a physician. And who doesn't need help with that?