Welcome to the Women's Health Elective
This elective has an intense focus on special topics in the care of women. During this rotation, second year and above residents will practice and learn in a variety of clinical and community settings. Michelle has prepared multiple different opportunities for the rotation. The multiple options can be found on the Women's Elective Request form. If you are interested in completing the elective, submit a request form, following complete the Women's Elective Request and schedule a time to meet with Michelle Zamudio to discuss your goals for the rotation. Each resident is also required to complete a project in Women's Health during the month, which can be discussed further with Michelle. This elective is limited to one resident at a time, due to space and precepting restraints at most sites.
Please contact Michelle Zamudio for any questions or concerns. If interested, please submit a request form.
Faculty Lead: Michelle Zamudio
At least four months prior to the rotation, the resident is required to meet with Michelle and develop goals and agree upon a project for the month.
The Women’s Health Elective is best done as a 2-week block rotation but can be altered to a longitudinal experience with advance notice (see above).
A Women’s Health Elective focused on Sexual Health is only offered in a 2-week block format.
Prior to the start of your month, it is strongly recommended you review the normal physiology of the menstrual cycle and review the following video on IUD insertion.
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Fertility and Fertility Disorders
Sexually Transmitted Infections and Vaginitis
STI Diagnosis and Management Update (Handout from Michelle's Noon Conference)
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Breast Disorders
Pelvic Pain
Sexual Dysfunction
Adnexal Masses
Preventive Health Screening
Cervical Dysplasia
Contraceptive Care
Management of Unplanned Pregnancy
Vulnerable Populations
Goals and Objectives
To expose more senior FM residents to clinical and advocacy approaches to dealing with domestic violence, breastfeeding, pelvic floor dysfunction, gynecological dysplasia, complementary medicine approaches to hormonal balance and nutrition, breast cancer evaluation and treatment, menstrual irregularities, menopause, and other related topics dealing with the health of women
To counsel patients about the therapeutic alternatives for pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic pain, and incontinence
To evaluate and treat mother/infant dyads having breastfeeding difficulties
To counsel patients about domestic violence and identify supports in the Greater Cincinnati area
To evaluate and treat women with cervical and vaginal dysplasia (residents participating in the Dysplasia Clinic at TCH will need to have demonstrated proficiency in basic colposcopic visualization of the cervix BEFORE taking this elective – contact Dr. Rosenthal for any questions about this pre-requisite)
To evaluate and treat women with suspected and known breast cancer
To evaluate, counsel, and treat women about Family Planning options
T o counsel patients regarding preventive health measures for women across the age spectrum
To counsel patients bout environmental exposures and infectious diseases impacting fertility and childbearing