Post Call Transportation

Transportation services are available for all physicians-in-training (residents, rotators, acting interns and medical students) who have completed an on-call shift at The Christ Hospital and judge themselves to be impaired from sleep deprivation or are told by a colleague that they are impaired.

The Christ Hospital Office of Graduate Medical Education provides transportation from TCH for all residents. Return service is also provided back to TCH so the physicians are able to pick up their vehicles the following day. The service is provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You can arrange this yourself by ordering an Uber home (and back to work the following day) and submit your receipts to the GME office. You can always call the office of Safety & Security for other transportation resources: 585-2222.

Transportation services are provided by Towne Taxi (761-7710). Vouchers for this service can be obtained by calling the Office of Safety and Security at ext. 5-2222.

If you have any questions about this service, please call the GME office at ext. 5-4079.

Helpful Phone Numbers

  • GME Office Main: 513-585-4079

  • Employee Health: 513-585-4555

  • Human Resources: 513-263-1500

  • TCHHN Compliance Hotline: 1-800-398-1496

  • Safety and Security: 513-585-2222 (Fatigue-call or visit safety and security to secure a cab ride home)

  • Patient and Guest Services: 513-585-1200

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK