Global Health Thursday Conferences


Global Health Thursday Conferences are designed to give residents applicable knowledge around our 6 Curriculum Goals, from Determinants of Health to Care for Vulnerable Populations.  Conferences are designed to complement the R1 GH Foundations Course other residency conferences and curricula.  Conferences also include an annual mission, curriculum, and opportunities review in the early spring to help residents plan their upcoming academic year.

GH Conferences are generally held on the 4th Thursday of each month, 320-405pm, and on 5th Thursdays from 130-315pm.  Conferences follow a 3-year teaching cycle and include our own faculty and guest speakers from UC, CCHMC, and elsewhere.  (Visit the GH Welcome page to see the 3-year teaching cycle.)

Conferences are also a venue for GH Senior Experience and Elective participants to share about their experiences and projects.  

Click here for a listing of our past and future scheduled presentations.  If you have an idea for a future conference topic or speaker that you think would be a good option for our conferences, please let Dr. Collins or another one of the GH faculty or GH chief know. 

The Year-At-A-Glance schedule (found on the GH Welcome page) includes additional information on our Global Health Conferences.