Welcome to another recruitment season! Recruitment can be quite a bit of fun meeting so many excited applicants and learning more about their career dreams and visions. Although a significant component of the season is to identify those applicants who you would love to work with in the future, recruitment season also provide time to mentor students as they take a giant leap forward. It is this mentoring aspect that I find the most enjoyable and I think it also shows what type of program we are. I truly believe we have something special in this program and marvel at the people I have the honor to train and work beside. Over the next several months, use this as an opportunity to provide mentoring to applicants, search for those who would thrive in our program, and also celebrate what we have in this program. 

Below is a link to our Interview Questions and Feedback Form. Your feedback is essential to help guide our rank, so please be sure to complete evaluations of the applicants, including after dinners or other non-interview encounters. After you click on the form there will be a drop down to select the correct type of encounter (interview vs other encounter such as a dinner). The most important part of the form is your final rank/assessment (final page). Although written comments are helpful for everyone, they are especially important for those you are rating very low or very high. This will help as we review the applicants together on during our rank meeting. 

Below is the sign up form for the dinners along with the names of the applicants. I will be creating an Evernote for each applicant and share the Evernote Notebook with you all. We will also review the applicants together at 8 am on Monday and Friday morning. On Thursdays, you will need to review the applicants on your own secondary to time constraints. Thank you for all you do and please do not hesitate to contact me, Holly or our Recruitment Chairs (TBD) if you have any questions. 


Megan Rich