Welcome to the Urgent Care Elective

The elective in Urgent Care is offered to second and third year residents and provides a 2-week block or longitudinal experience in the The Christ Hospital Urgent Care Center located on Red Bank Rd. This experience is encouraged for Family Medicine Psychiatry residents who plan on practicing outpatient family medicine, especially if in a rural setting. It is a wonderful opportunity to gain additional opportunities to perform procedures (splints, I&D, suturing, eye) along with care for common acute complaints. 

Please review the Urgent Care Rotation page for full description of the experience, including the curriculum, recommended readings, and orientation. Please note, the elective does not require you to complete the quiz. Dr. Jeff Craven is the specialty lead of the rotation and Dr. Doug Collins is the faculty lead. Please contact either if you have additional questions.

If interested, please submit a request form!


The rotation is available to R2 and above residents for either a 2-week block or 6 month (or greater) longitudinal experience. Residents on this rotation are expected to attend all conferences. The schedule will be sent to the resident at least 1 month prior to the rotation.