Welcome to the Administration in Medicine Elective


The Administration in Medicine Elective is a 2 week elective working directly with Dr. Joe Bateman, Medical Director of The Christ Hospital Medical Associates (TCHMA). Under Dr. Bateman's mentorship, the resident will gain significant experience in management and leadership in health care. Residents will attend meetings, discuss budget and finances in health care, participate in personnel management, and review/develop Policy and Procedures. In addition, each resident will complete a quality improvement project under the supervision of Dr. Bateman.

Family physicians are being required to take a much more active role in management and leadership in our changing health care system and this elective will provide valuable tools for everyone whether you plan to pursue a career as a Medical Executive or a clinician in a family medicine office. If interested, please submit a request form! 

*This elective is only available in block rotation format and not offered as a longitudinal elective.


  • Joe Bateman, MD

    • Medical Director, Primary Care

    • The Christ Hospital Physicians

    • Suite 440A,Medical Office Building

    • Cell (513) 309-1961

    • joseph.bateman@thechristhospital.com

Required Reading


Practice Based Learning and Improvement

  1. Identify process problems adversely effecting patient care, staffing moral, or physician moral.

  2. Form a team and implement a FOCUS-PDSA cycle in response to process problems in the office.


  1. List the components of an effective meeting

  2. Describe Lean, Six Sigma, and FOCUS-PDSA.

  3. Compare and contrast the tradition practice from a PMCHM.

  4. Describe approaches to addressing personnel problems in the family medicine office.

Interpersonal and Communication Skills

  1. Lead an effective meeting through developing 1-2 goals for the meeting, developing a clear agenda, explaining the purpose of the meeting to the group, staying respective of time, and ending with clear action plan with assignments.


  1. Role model professionalism through your leading in dressing professional, arriving on time, communicating in a professional manner to staff, patients and colleagues, and responding to messages in an appropriate time frame.

System Based Practice

  1. Work in a team to address process problems in the office.

  2. Explain the roles for each member of the healthcare team in the office.