Welcome to the Infectious Diseases Elective


During this two-week block or longitudinal elective experience, the resident will rotate with Thomas Lamarre, MD of The Christ Hospital Physicians-Infectious Disease. The resident will perform consults in the inpatient and outpatient settings. The residents will gain a much greater understanding of use of antibiotics, including indications, spectrum of activity, and emerging resistance. Dr. Lamarre is an outstanding teacher, having been the recipient of Residency Awards for his teaching in the past. This should be an outstanding experience for any resident looking to increase their fund of knowledge and experience in infectious diseases! If interested, please complete an elective request form.

Please contact Bernheisel for any questions or concerns!

FM Faculty Lead: Chris Bernheisel

Specialty Faculty

Thomas Lamarre

  • The Christ Hospital Infectious Disease

  • Suite 204 Medical Office Building

  • Office: (513) 585-2791

  • Cell: (513) 673-8725

Elective Duration: 2- 4 wk

Goals and Objectives


  1. To appropriately prescribe antibiotics, understanding their class, the spectrum of activity for that class, and any emerging resistance associated with the class of antibiotics.

  2. Utilize gram stains, history, and the physical exam to begin appropriate empiric treatment for common infectious problems encountered in a family physician’s office.

  3. Understand the principles of infectious control.


  1. Medical Knowledge

    1. List the classes of antibiotics, explaining their mechanisms of action and general spectrum of activity.

    2. Explain the toxicities of the common antibiotics used by family physicians.

    3. Categorize bacteria in terms of gram stain, typical vs atypical, and extra vs intracellular.

  2. Patient Care

    1. Obtain a complete history, utilizing the differential to enquire into the exposure history that would assist in initiating appropriate studies and empiric treatment.

    2. Perform a focused physical exam.

    3. Order appropriate, cost-effective studies utilizing differential.

  3. Interpersonal Communication

    1. Communicate with families, explaining disease process, treatment, and studies.

    2. Communicate with primary care physicians, succinctly relaying the important findings and treatment options.

  4. Professionalism

    1. Recognize indications for consultation.