Welcome to the Ultrasound/POCUS Elective


The Ultrasound/POCUS Elective provides the opportunity for residents to deepen and broaden their competency in Point of Care Ultrasound competencies in Family Medicine, and also work toward credentialing. See also the Ultrasound/POCUS Rotation page for additional information, modules, and links.

A POCUS Elective generally involves the following components:

  • A meeting with Dr Collins to clarify goals of the elective, including a list of scans to achieve, as well as an overall schedule plan

  • At least one 1:1 2-hour session with Dr. Collins, and possibly more if available, in the FMC (MSK), ER, or Inpatient.

  • One 4-hour session with Dr Stolz/Pattie Smith (UC EM sonographer educators) in the UCMC ER, if available.

  • Multiple sessions with TCH General, Vascular, and Echo Sonographers on TCH C-Level, in the ER, or on IP.

  • Time for independent module completion and self-directed learning, such as AMSSM Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course modules

  • Opportunities to further develop our residency POCUS curriculum through QI projects (such as developing/improving POC resources and credentialing processes for POCUS)

  • If able, residents are also encouraged to attend one POCUS course offered by AIUM, Gulfcoast, or other recommended courses, favoring courses that sign-off to facilitate credentialing

Residents who sign up for the elective are to contact Dr. Collins to develop elective objectives, additional suggestions for experiences and/or self-study. If interested, please submit a request form!

FM Faculty Lead: Doug Collins (Email)
