Welcome to the Surgery Rotation! On this website you will find the information you need for a successful and fun month.  The goals of the surgery rotation are to learn about common diagnoses that require surgical intervention and the indications for when to refer to a surgeon, to learn about common post-operative complications and how to manage them, and to gain experieince with common office and operative procedures.  To help you attain these goals there are several resources and learning opportunities:

  • on this webpage you will find a recommended reading list on core surgical topics

  • quizzes (6 short quizzes based on topic area -- all are mandatory but no scores recorded)

  • a checklist of recommended procedures for the month. Please prepare for your time in procedure clinic by reading up on relevant procedures the night before.

  • two wound care modules (required)

  • radiology topics including case-based learning examples

  • POCUS/ultrasound modules -- 4 designated modules require completion this month (independent learning time has been given for this; see "Independent Learning Modules" section and complete Modules 3-6)

  • 1-2 x hour-long meetings with the facutly supervisor for this rotation including discussion of key articles

Please be sure to ask your preceptors to complete the evaluation form towards the end of the month. The best way to do this is to present them with a tablet or phone with the evaluation form pulled up, and have them fill it out then and there. This will hopefully inspire a rich discussion of feedback to foster your learning. You can access the form here: https://ucfm.wufoo.com/forms/q146x2ue1a29n8x/

If you have questions, concerns or comments, please don't hesitate to contact the faculty in charge of these rotations:

Email Dr. Rich

Schedule: Please see your MedHub calendar 

Contact Information: Double check location on MedHub calendar and you may want to call ahead.

Dr. Earl Thompson, colorectal surgery: Suite 524 TCH MOB; Office 475-8787; cell 226-2137

Sally Arnold, wound care: 5885 Harrison Ave, suite 2100, Cincinnati 45248; office 585-4595; email sally.arnold@thechristhospital.com

Dr. Stephen Bennet, urology: Suite 434 TCH MOB; Office: 513-841-7795

Dr. Thomas Husted, general surgery: Suite 242 TCH MOB; Office 585-2062-

Dr. Jennifer Manders, breast surgery: meet in cancer center TCH D level; Office: 11140 Montgomery Rd, Entrance D; cell 502-2930; email jennifer.manders@thechristhospital.com


Additional Learning Resources

Wound care: please complete 2 (webinars or podcasts) prior to your first session with Sally Arnold.

Radiology: There is a required radiology component included in the month. You will (1) review how to read an abdominal plain film and (2) you will also review 5 common cases and learn the appropriate imaging modality in those settings. We are open to feedback and suggestions for improvement if you feel other things would be useful to add or adjust! 

  • Abdominal Films: pre-test, module, post-test (please schedule a time with Dr Rich or Dr Mount to take post-test prior to the end of the rotation)

  • Surgery radiology cases: pretest, cases, post-test

Surgery Intern Guide: words of wisdom from last year's class.

Resident Expectations

Please read prior to starting your first day.  This gives an overview of all the experiences you will have during the month, what we expect you to get out of those experiences, and what responsibilities you have during the month.  It also contains helpful hints for how to have a successful and educational month!

Surgery Rotation Expectations

Recommended Reading

Suggested articles and resources for your learning throughout the month.  Some articles will be assigned for discussion with the faculty mentor.

Articles recommended by Dr. Husted - he may ask you questions on them so be ready!



There are 6 quizzes to be completed throughout the month.  The scores on the quizzes are not counted in any way toward your evaluations.  It is expected that at least 1 of the general surgery quizzes will be completed prior to your first meeting with the faculty mentor for the rotation.  

General Surgery: Quiz 1 and Quiz 2

Colorectal Surgery


Procedure List

Procedures listed are those commonly encountered during both in-patient and ambulatory surgical settings.  Procedures are sorted as “required”, “recommended”, or “optional” based on the Procedures Curriculum for the residency.  A "minimum" number is listed as is a "goal" number.  This is based off the numbers needed to be considered competent to perform the procedure independently (see Procedures Curriculum for more detail on this).  You are not required to complete a certain number of procedures to pass the rotation.  This is merely to guide you and the surgeons you will be working with toward the experiences that we hope you will have the opportunity to participate in.

Procedure List