Welcome to the dermatology rotation

During this rotation you will work at Dr. Petit’s office and at the VA Dermatology Clinic supervised by UC Dermatologist. Dermatology complaints are very common in the outpatient office and this month can go a long way to improve your comfort in diagnosis and treatment of common complaints. To meet your goals for the month requires not only working with the dermatologist, but also significant outside reading and study. To assist in this, below you will find required asynchronous learning modules you are to complete during the month. It is strongly recommended to complete these earlier in the month so you can practice and hone your skills through your time with the dermatologist. In addition to the learning modules, the website also has an excellent overivew of the Skin exam. Please be sure to review the goals and objectives for the month along with reviewing the procedure curriculum for those procedures you are expected to obtain during this month. 

Enjoy your month!

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Required Learning Modules

The American Academy of Dermatology has developed outstanding learning modules on core dermatology topics. Over the course of your month, please complete the below topics, starting with the Normal Skin Exam. It is strongly recommended to complete these in the first two weeks of the month, as you will find your time with the dermatologist more valuable the more prepared you are. Each learning module has slides to review, videos, and then a quiz. 

Complete the following: (Note: You will be required to create a login the first time you access the modules. This is free. After you create the login, return to this patient and access the modules directly from the below links. The webpage can be quite slow in downloading the first time, but after the first time, it will speed up)

  1. Learning Modules

    1. The Skin Exam (Do not need to see all of the videos)

    2. Basic Science of the Skin: Structure and Function

    3. Morphology of the Skin: How to Describe what you See

    4. Dermatologic Therapies

    5. Benign Skin Lesions

    6. Acne and Rosacea

    7. Psoriasis

    8. Actinic Keratosis and Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    9. Basal Cell Carcinoma

    10. Evaluation of Pigmented Lesions

    11. Melanoma

    12. Drug Reactions

  2. Procedure Videos (Not required; recommended to review)

    1. How to Perform a Punch Biopsy

    2. How to Perform a Shave Biopsy

    3. How to Perform an Excisional Biopsy

    4. Pathology Request Video
