Welcome to Intern Orientation

It is finally here! Welcome new interns!

We recognize how overwhelming Intern Orientation can be and have attempted to design the orientation to be realistic of what you are able to absorb. We will work on making sure you acquire the skills you absolutely need to acquire (ACLS, NRP, PALS, Epic), but otherwise will spend the time to have you all set-up so you can find answers when they do pertain to you. Remembering the Continuity Policy is not important, but knowing there was something about a Continuity Policy mentioned in Orientation and being able to easily find it, now that is important!

Below you will find links to the Intern Orientation Notebook, Policy and Procedures Notebook, and Epic Standard Set-up. The notebooks are full of information and are for viewing only. We will have you create your own Orientation Note in Evernote along with using 1Password to store all of your logins. We attempt to place all important information on this website, so for the rest or residency utilize this site as a resource for any questions you may have. Further down are two orientation calendars, one for FM and the other for FMP. The calendar is packed full of information: agenda, location, what to wear, and additional bits of information. Be sure to look at the notes!

We are excited to have you here! Do not hesitate to contact Caitlin Delong (cnmdelong@gmail.com) or Josh Crosbie-Cockroft (jd.crosbie@gmail.com) or Dr. Rich (richma@ucmail.uc.edu)!

FM Orientation Schedule

FMP Orientation Schedule