Welcome to the Cardiology Page
Welcome to the Cardiology Rotation! The Cardiology Rotation will be an outstanding opportunity to acquire the essential skills for assessing and treating patients with cardiac conditions. The cardiology rotation is now a longitudinal experience during the intern year. Each intern will work (on average) with a cardiologist 1 half day every fourth week.
Here are the rotation components you need to complete:
Early in the experience, please read the required articles on Heart Failure Treatment, Diastolic Heart Failure, and TAVR.
During the year, you will meet with Dr. Bernheisel twice to review EKGs. You will schedule the EKG sessions on dates that your assigned cardiologist is out of the office. The first session will concentrate on Rhythm, Rate, and Axis and the second session will review Intervals and Waveforms. Prior to the sessions it is expected you have read the related chapters in the book you chose. You can schedule the time with Dr. Bernheisel through Calendly.
You are expected to complete two 2-hour POCUS/Ultrasound modules during your cardiology experience: Module 7: Cardiac Ultrasound; and Module 8: Lung Ultrasound & CLUE Protocol. Here is the link to the POCUS/Ultrasound modules page. Contact Dr. Collins if you have questions about these.
Lastly, you are to also complete the Cardiology KSA. KSAs are the online modules the ABFM is now requiring your class to complete prior to sitting for the certification exam. They are incredible and a great learning tool. I recommend you sit down early in the year and complete an entire exam, and then spend the next 1-4 weeks working through the incorrect answers. The online module will not let you move on until you have almost all of the questions correct, but don't worry, it gives you the information you need to get the correct information. They are hard but great learning tools. After you complete the online test, there will be an online patient simulation. Remember,the test is designed to teach you and is not really a method to test your knowledge. Please let me know when you have completed the KSAs.
The goal for the experience is to grow in comfort, knowledge, and skills in diagnosis and treatment of common cardiac conditions. By the end of the year, it will be expected you can perform a complete history, physical, diagnostic work-up, and initiate treatment for patients with: A. Fib; HFpEF; HFrEF; CAD; Syncope; HTN. You will also be able to perform EKG reading and have foundational knowledge in primary care cardiac and lung ultrasound/POCUS. Remember, your role is to push yourself, asking questions and contributing to the care.
Please review the Curriculum, which further outlines the goals and objectives for the experience. Dr. Bernheisel is the faculty oversight, so please feel free to email him with any questions.
EKG Resources
A-Z EKG Online Resource (Great examples and explanations for every EKG you can imagine: great resource!)
The Heart Manual (by Dr. Mazur)