Welcome to the EKG Elective
The EKG Elective is a 1-2 week block or longitudinal elective experience working to improve your EKG reading skills. The time will be spent working asynchronously studying EKGs and then meeting with Dr. Bernheisel 4-5 times to review important EKG Topics. The asynchronous work will include completing EKG packets provided by Dr. Bernheisel, reviewing EKG Weekly Video Podcast, and reading an EKG book of the resident’s choice.
Please contact Dr. Bernheisel if you have additional questions and submit an elective request form if you interested!
*If doing as longitudinal it may not be longer than 6 months.
Topic areas and Goals and Objectives
EKG Basics
Describe a normal 12 lead EKG:
Vector for each lead (Lead I,II, III, AVR, AVL, AVF)
The electrical activity/process occurring for each wave and segment (P wave, PR, QRS, ST, T-wave, TP)
Rate and Rhythm
Describe the two major methods to identify the rate.
How can the rate assist in identifying the rhythm?
Describe the characteristic findings for the following arrhythmia:
Sinus rhythm
Sinus dysrhythmia
Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial Flutter
Multifocal Tachycardia
Wandering Pacemaker
Describe the characteristic findings for the following arrhythmias:
First degree block
Second degree block (Mobitz I and II)
Third degree block
AV-nodal re-entry Tachycardia (sometimes called pSVT)
Atrioventricular re-entery tachycardia
Accelerated junctional rhythm
Junctional escape rhythm
Ventricular escape rhythm
Describe the characteristic findings for the following:
Right and Left Axis Deviation
Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Right strain pattern
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Left strain pattern
Describe the characteristic findings for the following:
RBBB, Incomplete RBBB
LBBB, Incomplete LBBB
Left anterior Fascicular block
Left Posterior Fasciular Block
Bifasicular blocks and trifasicular blocks
Emergent EKGs
Describe the characteristic findings for the following:
Digoxin effect and toxicity
STEMI (Anterior, Septal, Lateral, Posterior, Inferior, Main)
de Winter’s Waves
Wellens Syndrome
Brugada’s syndrome
Electrolyte abnormalities
Describe the characteristic findings for the following:
Hyper and hypokalemia
Hyper and hypocalcemia