Welcome to the Sports Medicine Elective


This is a two or four-week experience in sports medicine and orthopedics. The rotation focuses on care of the young adult athlete patient. The residents will rotate primarily with Dr. Mike Donaworth at his different practice sites (approximately 5 half day sessions). Dr. Donaworth is the team physician at UC, working with the basketball (winter), baseball (spring), and Lacrosse (spring) teams. He is also team physician for professional soccer (spring-summer, FC Cincinnati).  In addition, he serves as a team physician for local high school football teams. There may be additional opportunities in the region, including working at the Walk-in Concussion Clinic on Saturday morning and other team physician opportunities. 

Residents who sign up for the elective are to contact Dr. Collins to develop elective objectives, additional suggestions for experiences and/or self-study. If interested, please submit a request form!

FM Faculty Lead: Doug Collins (Email)

Sports Medicine Faculty

Michael  A. Donaworth, M.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Cincinnati
Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

Elective Duration: 2- 4 wk

Schedule:  Schedule will be created in conjunction with Dr. Collins based upon time of year and experience desired.

Guidelines for FMC

R1: 1 half day of FMC time (can do more) and Thurs PM conferences

R2: 3 half days of FMC time and Thurs PM conferences

R3: 4 half days of FMC time and Thurs PM conferences

Goals and Objectives


  1. The resident will gain increased experience in Sports Medicine as provided by family physicians.
  2. The resident will develop skills to provide sideline care to athletes.
  3. The resident will refine his/her ability to provide orthopedic care to adolescent and young adult patients, including management of acute injuries and rehabilitation. 


Prior to the start of the rotation the resident is to develop objectives with Dr. Collins to meet the resident's individual learning and career goals.