Welcome to the Radiology Elective
This elective is flexible to meet the needs of the resident in regards to developing radiology skills. The resident can choose from different self-study options as well as one-on-one time with a radiologist. The resident will choose and complete a small project that will add to the radiology curriculum in an area they are interested in gaining more experience. There is designated time to complete this brief project.
Options include:
Self study modules: Chest x-ray, Abdominal x-ray, Appropriate imaging cases, Orthopaedic modules (fractures, arthritides, etc)
Spend time at Children's Hospital and at the Christ Hospital with the radiologists
Add ultrasound study or time with Christ Hospital sonographers for more ultrasound experience (see also POCUS curriculum)
Reading articles or books (lists below)
Choose your own experience based on specific interest or future job requirement
If interested, please submit a request form!
FM Faculty Lead
Hillary Mount (Email)
Elective Duration: 1-2 Week block or longitudinal (not more than 6 months)
Guidelines for FMC
The resident must meet or talk to Dr. Mount 3 months prior to the start of the rotation to help organize the experience.
Example Schedule
During the month you will complete an individual project that is in an area of interest to you. The project should be BRIEF, realistic and add to the curriculum in a useful way. Previous projects included 1-2 additional cases for the appropriate imaging module, designing a pre- and post-test for abdominal films, and creating a table of appropriate imaging tests for specific cases (see below). Please discuss your idea with Dr. Mount prior to starting to make sure it is a realistic project for the time allotted.
Goals and Objectives*
To determine the appropriate imaging study for an individual patient's presentation
To interpret a chest x-ray and an abdominal x-ray
To be able to diagnosis fractures on x-ray
To understand the risks and contraindications to CT, MRI and contrast materials
*Additional goals tailored to the interest of the resident. If comfortable with the above objectives then will develop advanced objectives for the individual resident.
Radiology 101 - The Basics of Imagery - William Erkonen
The Radiology Handbook - Benseler
Learning Radiology: Recognizing the Basics - William Herring
Chest X-ray Notes by Randy Sloop
Introduction to Radiology: self-study modules
American College of Radiology: Appropriateness Criteria
Self-study tutorials: Masterclass
Contrast-induced nephropathy Risk Calculator
FRAX (Fracture Risk Assessment Tool)
Appropriate and Safe Use of Diagnostic Imaging - AFP Apr 2013
When to Order Contrast-Enhanced CT - AFP Sep 2013
Safety of Radiographic Imaging During Pregnancy - AFP Apr 1999
Gadolinium-Associated Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis - AFP Oct 2009
Adverse Reactions to Contrast Material - AFP Oct 2002
Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis - AFP Feb 2009
Osteoporosis: Screening Recommendation Statement - AFP May 2011
Colorectal Cancer Screening - AFP Jan 2015
Screening for Breast Cancer-AFP Jul 1, 2007
Section under construction. Additional articles have been identified but have not been posted yet