Welcome to the Extramural Obstetrics Elective
The extramural elective in Obstetrics is available to those residents who have completed at least one month of their core Family Medicine Obstetrics requirement and desire a more intensive high volume obstetrical month. The purpose of the elective is to allow for additional (higher volume delivery/high risk) obstetrical practical experience with a focus on labor and delivery. The majority of elective opportunities are engaged out of the state of Ohio. It is the responsibility of the resident to do the advanced planning necessary to secure a rotation. The resident needs to be aware that some state medical boards have a non-negotiable requirement of permanent medical licensure for the resident physician in their state prior to engaging in ANY patient care.
Extramural rotations outside of Cincinnati, OH will most probably require the resident to be away from care of their continuity patients in the FMC. Residents are responsible for arranging for patient and desktop coverage in their absence, as well as making up FMC patient care sessions (depending on their volume of patient experience relative to their level of training).
In recent history, our residents have gone to Grand Forks, ND for a high volume rotation. Existing FM residency programs may allow extramural residents to rotate at their institution, but this arrangement is somewhat fluid and inconsistent from year to year. Please contact Dr. Chris Bernheisel, who as Program Director, has more up to date access to other FM Program Directors about this possibility. Additional opportunities are available through some of the sites, which also have an Obstetrics Fellowship Program for Family Physicians. This is an opportunity for the resident (who plans to do an OB Fellowship after Residency) and the fellowship program to evaluate each other in the context of patient care. Not all fellowship programs offer an elective, nor do they do so consistently in a given year. Go to the AAFP website to research possibilities.
Any site/program will need to be approved by the residency prior to the rotation. An evaluation by the designated physician at the elective site will need to be completed at the end of the rotation and returned to the TCH/UC FMRP office.
All residents will need to meet with Dr. Rich to discuss meeting Family Medicine Center requirements if electing to complete an away rotation. If pursuing as a two-block rotation at West Chester, please note this rotation cannot be done longitudinally.
If interested, please submit a request form!
FM Faculty Lead: Montiel Rosenthal, MD
Elective Duration: 2- 4 wk