1. Explore and understand more deeply a topic of interest in the field of Global and Underserved Health, such as a vulnerable population or medical topic.

  2. Teach other course participants about your topic as a culmination of your project and a synthesis/application of knowledge gained.


Your rotation/course may require you to complete an elective. Electives are expected to take 8 hours to complete, plus a 2-hour summative live session. Electives must be pre-approved by the Course Director and should culminate in a 15-20 minute presentation or another pre-approved project. If you have been assigned to complete an Elective in the course, options may include those listed below.

Each participant will choose a Global & Underserved Health topic of interest toward the beginning of the month to learn more about and prepare a presentation on.  See suggested topics below.

Presentations should be 15 minutes (20 minutes max), including time for Q&A/discussion.  An interactive approach is encouraged.  Presentations should be well organized and augmented with teaching aids such as visual presentations (such as PPT or guided white-board discussion), handouts or digital resources (such as Evernote).  To help with learner formation, presentations will be evaluated, and feedback given, based on the following:  1) demonstrated understanding of the material presented; 2) clear teaching on the key areas (above) for each disease; 3) presentation quality; 4) engaging style.


  • Tropical Disease Project and Presentation: If you want to learn more about tropical diseases, this is your chance! Dive deep into the NTDs, Malaria and Mosquito Borne Diseases, HIV, TB, or other tropical diseases of interest. Learners selecting this option are asked to select a topic of interest, complete a pre-approved project, and then present their project or teach key learning points to course participants in a 15 minute presentation. For residents interested in tropical medicine certification, this can be a starting point toward achieving an ASTMH certification. Using this time to try/take an online course in Tropical Medicine (such as Univ Minn / CDC) is another option. Options for clinically-based case presentations are linked here:

  • Development Theories in Global Health: Select a Development theory book of interest, or compare and contrast two famous development voices, such as Jeffrey Sachs and William Easterly. Read the book and summarize the book to the group in an interactive session. Book options are found in the Development in Global Health module linked here.

  • Great Books in Global Health: If you would like some time to read a great Global Health book, go for it! Our Course Directors are glad to recommend a book, from classics like “Things Fall Apart,” to best-sellers like “Half the Sky,” we have many we can recommend, depending on your interest. Read the book and summarize the book to the group in an interactive session. For a list of recommended books, visit our Global Health Book Club section on the page linked here.

  • Vulnerable Populations: You may have a passion or interest in a particular vulnerable population. This elective time can be used to learn more about your population of interest, whether rural or urban domestic underserved, an ethnic minority, refugee or immigrant health, or another vulnerable population.

  • Complete Pre-Approved Online Courses: Options include:

    • US HHS SOAR Human Trafficking certification (1-3 hrs) linked here (An alternate program is HEAL Trafficking)

    • If timing works, CUGH “Addressing Violence in Patient Care” (Intimate Partner Violence, Refugee Care) course here.

    • If you are interested in health policy as it relates to animal and earth health, consider this One Health course.

    • If you have another course of interest, please let the course director know.

  • Help us develop a new elective module: Interested in a certain GH topic that you think others would also like? Propose it and help us build it!