1. Define key health indicators including infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, and under 5 mortality rate.

  2. Describe health gap measures including the DALY.

  3. Understand trends in Global Health epidemiology, including the demographic and epidemiologic transitions, increasing burden of non-communicable diseases, increasing burden of disability, and health effects of political climate. 

  4. Use data visualizations from the IHME website and World Bank to gather data on key health indicators, health conditions, risk factors, geographic regions and age groups. 

  5. Evaluate the health priorities for a particular country based on available health data.  


READ Skolnik Chapter 2 on “Health Determinants, Measurements, and Trends.” Then, WATCH the video about the Global Burden of Disease Study.  Last, REVIEW the powerpoint. After completing the assignments, take your MODULE QUIZ, which will be automatically submitted to the course instructor.  

This module should take around 1 hour to complete.