Understand the role key SDH’s play in the health of Guatemala, as an example of a Lower Middle Income Country (LMIC)
Evaluate how key SDH’s are addressed at a programmatic level from global development (UN SDGs) to country implementation (government and non-government)
Work in assigned small groups or pairs to prepare a presentation regarding one of two SDH (below) and how that SDH affects health in Guatemala.
Here are a few additional important notes and guidelines for your SDH Presentations:
Preparation time for this presentation should be around 3 hours and is built in to the course.
Each presentation should be 30 minutes max, with 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A/discussion.
Presentations should be engaging and interactive.
Presentations should be well organized. Use of ancillary teaching tools and creative approaches (PPT, handouts, Evernote for POC reference, audience quizzing, case studies, etc) is encouraged.
Presentations should generally include the following:
Overview/epidemiology of the SDH and how it affects health worldwide, in LMICs, and in Guatemala
How the SDH is addressed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Specific SDH concerns, including barriers and costs, in Guatemala
Current approaches in Guatemala from individual to community to national level
Other important information (programs, future ideas)—See specific questions to address, below.
Presentations will be evaluated based on the following: 1) demonstrated understanding of the material presented; 2) clear teaching on the key areas (above) for each disease; 3) presentation quality; 4) engaging style
Recommended resources include: 1) The End of Poverty, Sachs (copies available on loan); 2) WHO resources (eg, http://www.who.int/social_determinants/en/; WHO.int/hia; etc); 3) Where There is No Doctor; 4) UN SDGs (sustainabledevelopment.un.org); 5) http://www.cdc.gov/socialdeterminants/ (for US-based information); 5) Skolnik, Global Health 101 Chapters 2 (SDH), 3 (Education), 7 (Water/Sanitation);
Each group will be assigned to present one of the SDHs below.
Water, Sanitation and Health in the Guatemala
Review the Sustainable Development Goal related to clean water and sanitation
Discuss the importance of clean water to health in the Guatemala.
What is the availability to clean water like in rural Guatemala?
How does that relate to sanitation in Guatemala?
What health problems arise from the lack of clean water?
Describe steps taken by communities to improve access to clean water in Guatemala.
Are there rural vs urban differences?
What are common ways to improve sanitation in low income countries and Central America?
Additional helpful references to consider for Guatemala specific information in addition to the above:
Education and Health in Guatemala
Describe how education impacts health.
What are the Sustainable Development Goals related to education?
How is the Guatemala doing?
What is the educational system like in the Guatemala?
What are the barriers to receiving a primary education in the Guatemala? A secondary education?
Describe steps that the community is taking to improve access to education.
Additional helpful references to consider for Guatemala specific information:
United Nations Development Programme. http://hdr.undp.org/en/data/trends/#
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. http://uis.unesco.org/en/country/gt