Define and identify different health system models: Bismark, Beveridge, National Health Care, Out of Pocket
Describe health care spending outcome difference between United States and other High-Income countries
Describe pros and cons to health reform and health system models
Read the following articles
This module should take around 1.5 hours to complete.
Provide your feedback on the topic after the readings/videos - Google form
Read the Commonwealth fund report: Mirror, Mirror 2021: Reflecting Poorly
To get a good view of how we also compare internationally, watch the PBS segments (total 40 minutes): PART 1: “Is U.S. health care the best or ‘least effective’ system in the modern world?”, PART 2: “Should U.S. look to UK’s single-payer National Health Service for next health care moves?”, PART 3 “How Switzerland delivered health care for all — and kept its private insurance”, and PART 4 “What the U.S. can learn from Australia’s hybrid health care system”.
Also, read the American College of Physicians Vision of Health Reform (2 page summary). Consider what are the key points you feel are non-negotiable and what can wait if incremental change?
Examples of reform: “One % at a time: https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20210209.381915/full/
U.S. Legislation in Global Health Tracker (Developed by Kaiser Family Foundation) - updated list on all U.S. policies and acts directly related to international global health