1. Define the following population health terms:

    1. Crude mortality rates

    2. Age, sex and race adjusted mortality rates

    3. Infant mortality rate

    4. Incidence vs. prevalence

  2. Describe how measurements of individual health status differ from community health status

  3. Identify resources for assessing the health status of a community and how a physician may utilize these through the lens of COVID-19


Read and review the following sites.

This module should take around 1 hour to complete.  


Reading: Review the article Measuring Health and Disease

Below are sites that relate to local community health data as it relates to COVID-19 for our community. As you review the data, consider the following questions and complete the following SURVEY:

  1. What is one heath condition or patient population you learned more about through review of this data? Describe what you learned and how/if could impact your future patient care delivery?

  2. What is a health data site you learned more about in this module? How useful and easy/hard was it to use to access data?

  • Hamilton County Health Department

    • The Hamilton County Health Department provides public health services for our county. Explore the types of COVID health data available for our community from the COUNTY perspective.

  • City of Cincinnati COVID Tracking Data

    • Local demographic data for COVID


    • Please download and review the latest COVID report for our 14 county region. This is produced by the Health Collaborative.

  • Interact for Health - Community Health Data

    • Take a look at the types of community health data our community collects - through Interact for Health, a non-profit health foundation. Pick a couple of reports / surveys to explore. Interact for Health focuses on our entire region. How do these current reports of the health of our region make you thunk about risks related to COVID?

  • 2020 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)

    • City of Cincinnati CHNA. Skim through. Any risks stand out for our community? As it relates to COVID?

  • RWJ County Health Rankings

    • Look up Hamilton County. What health risks do we have? How are we doing compared to the rest of the state and nationally? How would this increase/decrease our COVID risks?



  • This is a list of local and national public health and policy data sites. Explore.
