Recognize the burden of disease related to Neuropsychiatric conditions.
Utilize the WHO’s mhGAP for diagnosing and managing these disorders in low-resource settings
Summarize basic principles of Psychological First Aid.
In global health, mental health conditions often grouped together with neurologic conditions and referred to as Neuropsychiatric Disorders. This module provides a brief overview of these disorders, with an emphasis on mental health. Proceed in order of the listed items below.
This module should take around 1.5 hours to complete.
READ: This infographic
READ: Pages 8-15 of the Psychological First Aid Manual
COMPLETE: This quiz based on the above
DOWNLOAD the e-mhGAP app onto your phone for use with the cases (or download the intervention guide 2.0 found on this website)
READ over the Case Study assignment using the CASE STUDY GUIDE
Residents will attend a one-hour session in which we will go through the cases together (you do not need to submit the Google quiz)
Students taking the course will not have a live session; instead, please take this quiz
TedTalk by Dr. Vikram Patel (12 minutes)
WHO Introduction to Global Mental Health (5 minutes)
Lancet article: Global Burden of Substance Abuse (Lancet 2013, based on GBD 2010)
Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health (Nature 2011)
WHO Mental Health (Website) - Includes WHO Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 and WHO Mental Health Atlas links
Global Mental Health Map - Website with links to various resources/articles