Quantify the global burden of the main NCDs:
Cardiovascular Disease & Hypertension
Chronic Respiratory Diseases: COPD, Asthma, Smoking
Diabetes & Obesity
Cancer & Pain
List the NCDs and their risk factors.
Describe management approaches for diabetes, hypertension, and asthma in LMICs.
Describe key approaches in cancer prevention and treatment and current barriers to care for cancer and palliative care.
Work in order through the 3 parts of the module. Open/begin your MODULE QUIZ as you START each part, as an "Open Book" QUIZ. Access the referenced articles through the links provided as you go.
This module should take around 2 hours to complete.
PART 1: Introduction to the NCDs.
QUIZ: Open this MODULE QUIZ to begin Part 1. Complete the quiz as you reference the linked resources.
REFERENCE: Global Status Report on NCDs: Executive Summary (Use with the worksheet guide)
PART 2: Hypertension, Diabetes, and Chronic Respiratory Diseases
QUIZ: Open this MODULE QUIZ to begin Part 2. Complete the quiz as you reference the linked resources.
WHO Global Brief on Hypertension 2013 HTN1
ISH Hypertension Guideline HTN3
HTN - WK Management Guideline
WHO Diabetes website
WHO Chronic Respiratory Diseases website
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC 2017) Executive Summary
PART 3: Cancer & Pain
QUIZ: Open this MODULE QUIZ to begin Part 3. Complete the quiz as you reference the linked resources.