1. Define key terms related to nutrition, including wasting, stunting and underweight.

  2. Describe the determinants that influence nutritional status. 

  3. Describe the relationship between infection and nutritional status. 

  4. Apply anthropometric methods to determine nutritional status.

  5. List concerns, diseases, and treatment related to four important micronutrient deficiencies: Iron, Vitamin A, Iodine, and Zinc.


Follow the instructions below in the Module Components section to complete the module. This module should take around 1.5 hours to complete.    


Complete the following:


  • The WHO has a downloadable calculator that uses the WHO growth charts. This is available for PC and mobile devices. It is only useful to children up to age 5.

  • The WHO growth charts are available here. Remember that there are multiple charts, and they are gender-specific, age-specific, and specific to height and weight.

  • Growth Charts UK-WHO is an app that is downloadable and excellent for calculating z-scores in the field. Internet connection is not required. It uses the WHO growth charts for children under 5, but then UK specific data for children over age 5.