1. Describe the WHO Essential Medications List, including its purpose, and Core vs Complementary List designation

  2. Understand approaches to and special concerns for medication prescribing and storage in low-resource settings

  3. Apply a typical formulary to commonly encountered clinical scenarios in care in overseas low-resource settings:  Common Cold, Asthma, Deworming, Diarrhea, Scabies, Headache, Vaginal Discharge

  4. Apply safe pharmacy practices including Teach Back Method


WATCH the three parts of Pharmacy Essentials in Global Health.  Then SCAN the WHO Essential Drugs List and review the Wuqu Kawoq Formulary.  Note taking based on the videos is encouraged.  After completing the assignments, take your MODULE QUIZ (please reference the WHO EDL or WK Formulary as needed during the quiz), which will be automatically submitted to the course instructor.  

This module should take around 1.5 hours to complete.    


  • WATCH:

    • Pharmacy Essentials in Global Health - Part 1 (WHO Essential Medications List) (VIDEO)

    • Pharmacy Essentials in Global Health - Part 2 (Pharmacy Basics) (VIDEO)

    • Pharmacy Essentials in Global Health - Part 3 (Management of Common Conditions in Low Resource Settings like Rural Guatemala) (VIDEO)

  • READ: WHO Essential Medications List 2021 (Download PDF)(Reference for PPT) (Note: You may also want to explore the AWaRe resource—WHO’s guidance for antimicrobial stewardship.)

  • READ: Wuqu Kawoq Formulary (Reference for PPT)

  • GET: This module is a great opportunity to make sure you have access on your phone to the Global Health Field Experience Resources Evernote, linked here (and on the Field Experience webpage). If you can download this to your phone during your field experience, this is a helpful resource. No need to review/read for this module, however.

  • QUIZ: Take the MODULE QUIZ when you have completed the above assignments.