Describe the global burden, epidemiology and trends, and history of TB.
Describe the microbiology/pathophysiology of TB as a means of better understanding its clinical course, diagnosis, and management.
Describe the clinical features of pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB.
List and compare the various tools for diagnosing latent and active TB and their limitations.
Understand the principles of treating TB, including the major medications and their side effects, adjunctives, and treatment timelines.
Describe WHO TB program guidelines (including DOTS, DOTS Plus, END TB programs), Monitoring and Outcome tracking, and Prevention approaches, including the management of HIV-coinfected persons.
OPEN the "TB Learning Module Guide & Worksheet.” Use the Guide/Worksheet to guide you through watching the four VIDEOS, reading/skimming the Lancet TB article, and then visiting key internet resources on TB. Answering the questions on the Guide/Worksheet is recommended but not required. When you have finished working through the videos, reading, and internet resources, take your MODULE QUIZ, which will be automatically submitted to the course instructor.
This module should take around 1.5 hours to complete.
TB Pt 1: Epidemiology (VIDEO)
TB Pt 2: Pathophysiology & Clinical Features (VIDEO)
TB Pt 3: Diagnosis & Management (VIDEO)
TB Pt 4: History, Programs, & Prevention (VIDEO)
REFERENCE: Lancet TB article (Excellent summary of TB worldwide; read/skim per your discretion as interested as time allows; otherwise, reference for quiz)
QUIZ: Take the MODULE QUIZ when you have completed the above assignments.
REFERENCE: Lancet TB article (Excellent summary of TB worldwide; read/skim per your discretion as interested as time allows)
ONLINE RESOURCES: It is important to know how to find updated resources for TB. To familiarize yourself with some of the main TB resources, consider visiting the WHO and CDC sites. (Please notify the Module Instructor if any links/resources are broken/outdated.)
WHO: The WHO oversees the management guidelines for TB. Visit their website here: http://who.int/tb/en/. Find the link to the latest Global TB Report (Sample 2016 Report: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/250441/1/9789241565394-eng.pdf).
CDC: The CDC site (https://www.cdc.gov/tb/default.htm) includes recommendations for management of TB in the U.S. The CDC additionally has a nice app reference, the CDC LTBI app.