/What to log in MedHub :
- procedures: for numbers needed see the procedure curriculum on the website - it varies depending on the procedure. *this is how deliveries are tracked*
- underserved continuity site: e.g. Crossroad, Cincinnati Health Network (McMicken), GSFC, Equitas, etc (Counts toward your total of 1700 ambulatory continuity visits)
- FMC patients when working off a faculty member's schedule or in FMS: i.e. 1-on-1 sessions or patients you steal but do not change the patient to your schedule or FMS visits. (All can count toward your total of 1700 ambulatory continuity visits)
- Home visits: These are the visits to FMC patients but in their homes. Please log so that you meet the ACGME requirement of completing the minimum number of home visits and Dr Goroncy can give you a level of independence (allowing you to see pts on your own and staff by phone). Email Dr Goroncy with any questions.
What do I need to log on Med Hub?
You MUST log the patients age range and gender.
The option is there to log the initials, which you are encouraged to do. The initials can be helpful for you so you can review and see if you had logged everyone.
Tracking patient encounters: Updated with the new ACGME Requirements (effective July 1, 2023)
1. What about patient outside of continuity patients (ie those encounters NOT logged on MedHub)?
CCHMC (inpatient and ED rotations): You do not need to log these patients. However, we do need total number of patient encounters for CCHMC inpatient at Main Campus, at Liberty Campus, and in ED (but not on Outpatient peds). When on these rotations, please complete an encounter spreadsheet or run an Epic Report at CCHMC (instructions here). At the end of the block, submit the total number of encounters to Dr. Rich & Holly. Goal: 100 patients total with at least 50 from each setting (hospital and ED)
UCMC ED and TCH ED: Similar to the above, you will need to submit the number of patient encounters from each rotation. Goal: 125 patient encounters.
Geri: You will need to submit patient encounters for the block rotation (R1 year). Since residents are at multiple sites, there will not be an easy way to run a report. You may want to track on your phone by inputting the number of patients seen at the end of shift. Additionally, you will need to track older adult patient encounters when on surgery, ortho, cardiology and gynecology. You may NOT include encounters from FMC or other continuity sites, inpatient rotations or ED rotations. Goal: 125 patient encounters.
OB: deliveries must be logged as a procedure in MedHub. It is a good idea to track which patients have continuity status with. Goal: 20 vaginal deliveries and 10 continuity deliveries (present at 3 prenatal visits, delivery and postpartum visit).
Tracking is NOT needed for: ICU, newborn, outpatient peds. We track your FMC continuity visits and TCH hospital visits for you.
2. What counts as a patient encounter?
If you cared for the patient that day. In general, if you left a note on the patient (progress note, dc summary, called to see pt at bedside note, accept note, etc), then you may count the patient. You can have multiple encounters on the same patient. If someone is admitted for 3 days and you saw the patient and wrote a note each day, then that would be 3 encounters. You can only count 1 encounter per day.
3. What data do you need in the patient encounter report?
Just the total number of encounters on that rotation. No patient identifying information should be included.
4. How can I find out how many encounters I have documented so far?
Let’s say you are returning to CCHMC or the ED and want to check in your total patient encounter report, email Holly. She keeps a master spreadsheet with all the numbers for all the rotations listed above!
Nominate someone for the Shine Award.
The Shine Award is given each month in recognition of individuals who model exemplary or extraordinary team work! Consider nominating a resident, faculty or staff member. Anyone can nominate. See the list of previous awardees - an AMAZING group!
Resources for fighting racism and becoming an anti-racist: “While now is a time for grief and anger, it is also a time for resolve.”
Resources for Engaging in Anti-Racism Work and Practicing Solidarity
We are Living in a Racist Pandemic - American Psychological Association
An online portal to help families, individuals, and communities talk about racism and commit to being antiracist.
Your Black Colleagues May Look Like They’re Okay – Chances are They’re Not
If You See Something, Do Something Instead of Calling the Cops
Resources for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) to Engage in Self-Care
Resources for getting informed
“Dear Bruh. A Eulogy. A Baptism. A Call to Action.” By Ya’Ke Smith (Moody College of Communication, UT Austin)
Tragic Death of George Floyd Reveals Continuing Problem of Police Violence
Talking about race: The National Museum of African American History & Culture
Resources for starting to take action
The Color of Change: Sign a Petition to End Violent Policing Against Black People
Sign up for newsletters, donate and/or get involved with organizations like the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, Black Futures Lab, Campaign Zero, Ohio Justice & Policy Center, White Coats for Black Lives
Conference schedules (including noon conference location), inpatient and maternity care faculty call schedules, centering pregnancy schedule, general residency calendar, jeopardy schedule, etc…are ALL on a residency google calendar. Be sure to check it out!
These are all linked to our fancy Gmail account (tchucfm) so they are real-time and will always be current as long as the person responsible for the calendar keeps it updated. This means that you do NOT have to email or call if you have a question about who’s on what’s on where.
Don't know how to check the google calendar? Please email Megan Rich.
Want to add your New Innovations Calendar to a google calendar? Follow these instructions!
Activate New Innovations Google Calendar: Review Handout
Add the link to your google calendar: Instructions (Select: "Add Using a Link")